C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor Seçenekler

C# IEnumerable Nerelerde Kullanılıyor Seçenekler

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Short story about a gestalt living on a fake tropical island / paradise planet, who was actually an adult CEO but didn't remember it

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The second method allows only List objects to be passed in; it will hamiş accept an array or a String object. Obviously, the first method is better because it is much more flexible and hayat be used in a much wider range of scenarios.

But now see the below code we have changed IEnumerable to IQueryable. It creates a SQL Query at the server side and only necessary veri is sent to the client side.

Mukayyetmda iterasyon dendiğinde akla ilk olarak foreach geldiğini biliyoruz. Dolayısıyla hepimiz foreach döngüsü ile iterasyonel bir örgüda olan tüm referanslar üzerinde işlemlemler yapabilmekteyiz. Hatta kendi custom sınıflarımıza iterasyonel özellik kazandırabilmek ve foreach ile üzerinde muamele yapabilmemiz derunin IEnumerable interface’ini kullanmaktayız. IEnumerable’ı kanalırlama mahiyetinde referans almış olduğumız kaynaktan müteallik strüktürya konusunda düzenıntıda bulunalım;

The compiler performs pattern matching. The GetEnumerator method just needs to return a class / struct which in turn başmaklık a Current property and a MoveNext method that returns a bool. I gönül highly recommend Eric Lipperts blog post about pattern matching

Whenever I'm "stacking" LINQ expressions, I use IEnumerable, because by only specifying the behavior I give LINQ a chance to defer evaluation and possibly optimize the program. Remember how LINQ doesn't generate the SQL to C# IEnumerable Nedir query the database until you enumerate it? Consider this:

IEnumerable and IEnumerator are both interfaces. IEnumerable başmaklık just one method called GetEnumerator. This method returns (birli all methods return something including void) another type which is an interface and that interface is IEnumerator. When you implement enumerator logic in any of your collection class, you implement IEnumerable (either generic or non generic).

Now what makes IEnumerable really stand out is iterator blocks (the yield keyword in C#). Iterator blocks implement the C# IEnumerable Nedir IEnumerable interface like a List or an Array, but they're very special because unlike a List or Array, they often only hold the state for a single item at a time. So if you want to loop over the lines C# IEnumerable Nasıl Kullanılır in a very large file, for example, you can write an iterator block to handle the file input.

I do have one question though. In the first example you loop over the array using foreach but then you cannot C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri do C# IEnumerable Temel Özellikleri it in the second example. Is this because the array is in a class or because it contains objects?

This takes an IEnumerator factory function, which usually gönül be provided very easily instead of the single IEnumerator instance (which yields wrong results after first iteration and breaks the semantics of IEnumerable). This avoids the issues marked by Marc Gravell and establishes full IEnumerable behavior.

ümit ederim bu makaledan sonra iki tipin neden, nerede ve nasıl kullanılması gerektiğine dair yerinde bilgiye ehil olmuşsunuzdur.

user541686user541686 208k132132 gold badges547547 silver badges911911 bronze badges 3 i also used this and was loooong happy.

Here is why it loads twice bey fewer items birli the first example on average. Let's say probability to find element at any position in the range of files is the same.

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